I was super excited to see that Dipsy_Donz , author of the blog Love.Make Up.Fashion.Life. nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award :D Thank you so much!
I hadn't heard of it before so I'm a little unsure about what I have to do next, but as far as I can make out you have to nominate a bunch of fellow bloggers, in doing so spreading the love in the blogger community :)
The Rules
1.Nominate 15 fellow bloggers.
2.Inform the bloggers of their nomination.
3.Share 7 random facts about yourself.
4.Thank the blogger who nominated you.
5.Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your blog post.
As I'm relatively new to beauty blogging I didn't think I'd be able to pick 15 bloggers, as I'm still exploring and finding blogs to read! But once I got going I realised I'm following so many great blogs that I'm determined to read much more regularly. Here goes! (In no particular order- they're all great!)
- Keeping Up With Carmen
- A.M.A xoXo
- Twenty One Forward
- A Child of Sundays
- the girl next door diaries
- Looking at a ginger in the mirror
- What Charlotte Did
- Beloved and Beloving
- A Voice Released
- Bags of Beauty
- Beauty Badger
- Clouds Are Pink
- Em's Mixed Bag
- Hope, freedom & love
- Lotty's Luxuries
All of these blogs deserve recognition, whether they cover beauty, life or random stuff! All brilliantly written and often with great pics too :)
Right, so, seven facts about me!
- I used to think that Cheerios had feelings. If I was almost finished with my bowl of cereal I'd make sure there were at least two hoops left, so they could keep each other company. The more I think about this, the more I wonder if this really happened... I'm sure it did though. Go figure.
- I hate clumps. Anything clumpy freaks me out, for example coffee beans clumped together, knobbly bits on tree trunks, stones clumped together on walls, M&Ms in a glass jar... Sometimes if things are really clumpy I feel physically sick and have to fight the urge to heave.
- I'm clearly slightly bonkers.
- I'm addicted to magazines. So much so that I have regular magazine festivals: Magazine Tuesday is when all of the gossip weeklies come out and Midweek Monthlies is when the monthly mags are released, typically on a Wednesday or Thursday, hence the 'Midweek' part. Then there are the American magazines, the writing magazines, the history magazines, the home magazines, the baking magazines. So many magazines, so little time!
- When I was younger I thought I looked like a boy. I attribute this to the vast amount of comments I received along the lines of 'you look so much like your father!' I still have this hang-up; from time to time I convince myself I look like a male with boobs. It's a combination of my jaw line and the Massey square head shape. My head has sharp edges. To me, it's masculine. And to make matters worse, I can't even wear hats to hide it because they don't fit properly. Sigh.
- My obsession with beauty products started when I was approximately seven or eight. I used to beg my mum to let me buy Shout, Bliss and Sugar magazines (she disliked the 'adult content', ie, pages advising the best kissing techniques), so that I could copy the make-overs and spend my pocket money on Collection 2000 clear mascara, Superdrug's Secret Weapon hair mascara & roll-on body glitter, and those cheap fruit flavoured roll-on lipglosses you find on market stalls. In Year 7 I became known as the girl who spent her lunch money in Woolworths on the way to school each morning, on beauty products. Those were the days!
- When I was younger I ALMOST met Geri Halliwell. She was auctioning off her her Spice Girls clothing and due to family connections (not to her, to the auction house!) I was invited to try her stuff on and to meet her. I got to try the clothes on, and I've got photos of me wearing the famous union jack dress and her platform boots; but unfortunately I couldn't go to the dinner she hosted. I did, however, receive a signed letter. So it wasn't all bad. P.S I was a HUGE Spice Girls fan and still am, although Mel C was my favourite because I was a voice snob and liked her due to her ability to hit the high notes. I used to watch their official Spice VHS video after school every day for about a year. Viva Forever!
And now, the Versatile Blogger Award logo:

I hope that's all been done properly!
:) xx
Thank you so much for nominating me! Hahaha your facts are so funny especially the cheerios one! You definitely do not look like a man Imogen.
ReplyDeleteI used to be the biggest spice girls fan they were amazing xx
Thanks! It's good to have some reassurance to confirm I don't look manly, although I'm not convinced! Lool :p I still am a HUGE Spice Girls fan, I saw them in concert just before Geri left and then again during their reunion tour. They're the best! I listen to their greatest hits every so often! Haha xx