Wednesday 21 August 2013

Life | Achieving my blogging goals

Although I originally started blogging about two years ago it's only in recent months that I've started to focus on building a really personal, comprehensive blog packed full of the topics I hold close to my heart. I used to have separate blogs for beauty, lifestyle, wedding planning and spirituality/tarot, but I decided to create one blog allowing room for all these subjects and more. the Bluebird & the Robin was born out of this aim, and so what was previously Thoughts on Beautiful Things became the Bluebird & the Robin, complete with a new header, colour scheme, layout and various additional tweaks such as blog badges and an Instagram widget. It's a never ending creative process and I'm loving building something that's all mine!

I'm proud of my little blog because I can now say it really does reflect who I am and what I'm interested in, all in one place! While blogging isn't about how many readers or followers you have (I believe it's ideally about cultivating a safe space in which you can feel free to be yourself and to express yourself!), there's no doubt that when you're feeling proud of your work you tend to want to connect with as many people as possible to share your experiences with and start conversations with. Socialising is a natural human urge, after all! I love chit chatting with fellow bloggers and readers, and since giving my blog a makeover I'm even more keen to widen my networks and develop the Bluebird & the Robin further. Writing is like breathing for me; it's my biggest passion and favourite thing to do. Who knows where it could lead..?

Two weeks ago, inspired by a blogging goals post written by the wonderful Megan from Little Miss Average, I decided to jot down some of my very own goals for the Bluebird & the Robin. I figured if I put pen to paper and focused on specific, achievable goals within a small time frame I would have a great focus for the coming month. I'm astonished to say that I've already accomplished and surpassed every one of my goals!

I decided I wanted to aim for 950 Twitter followers, 130 Bloglovin' followers, 100 GFC followers and 100 Instagram followers. As you can see there is a little bit of an imbalance between Twitter and every other social media platform! But that's OK, one step at a time! I am happy to confirm that I have reached these targets already, at the following rate:

A picture of the Bluebird & the Robin social media statistics

Woohoo! That's 1,012 Twitter followers, 142 Bloglovin' followers and 101 Instagram followers as of today (21/08/13)! Plus, I've also reached 106 GFC followers. I am chuffed to bits! This just goes to show that writing down goals and adding a structured time frame delivers solid, measurable results. 

What next? What goals do I have now for the Bluebird & the Robin? As well as numerical goals I've also got some broader goals that I'd like to achieve over the next four and a half weeks (by 21st September):
  • Reach 1,050 Twitter followers
  • Reach 200 Bloglovin' followers
  • Reach 115 Instagram followers
  • Reach 120 GFC followers
  • Reach 24,000 page views 
  • Create three more Anxiety Diaries positive affirmation badges and pop them on the blog
  • Create a weekly schedule for posting, covering beauty/spirituality & tarot/poetry/wedding/lifestyle
  • Comment on four blog posts daily in order to widen my network and make more blogger friends!
  • Set up my super secret NEW blogging award (!) and award it to its first group of recipients 
  • Write and publish two 'practical' Anxiety Diaries posts containing actual activities and methods to help confront anxiety, as there are lots of tips and tricks I've learned and developed that are really helping me at the moment, and I'd like to offer some more practical support to readers as well as emotional support.
What do you think? Do these seem like achievable goals? I think they do, as they're specific and have a defined deadline, meaning I'll know exactly whether or not I've achieved what I've set out to achieve in around four week's time. I have to say, it feels amazing to have already achieved August's goals! It's a huge confidence boost and makes me wonder if this could mean I can even achieve bigger, long term goals as well...

Roll on 21st September!

Do you set yourself blogging goals? What are your goals for the coming weeks as we leave summer behind and welcome in Autumn? 

Baci e abbracci, 

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  1. Thanks Mia! I think so too, here's hoping! I'm going to really make it my aim to focus on ticking off my goals and throwing myself wholeheartedly into blogging. I love my little blog and it's so exciting watching it grow!xx

  2. You're goals are great! And go you for wanting to achieve the best! Plus, I'm excited to read more of your anxiety posts.. They have helped me a lot!
    There's some proverb at work about setting goals (it randomly includes Arnold Swarzenegger) which I can't quite remember but it's true to say setting small achievable goals regularly helps you do so much better.

    Good luck to you!

    oOo Becky oOo

    BKY Bubble oOo Beauty, Life, Baby, Bits & Bobs

    1. I'm so glad to hear that you're finding the Anxiety Diaries posts helpful! I really do think setting small goals is the way to go, makes things feel much more achievable xx

  3. Well done, you seem very organised and determined - good on you :)

  4. This is a fab post! Congratulations by the way!! Any tips for aspiring bloggers on building their profile and twitter following? :) xx

    1. Thanks! Hmm, top tips? Write from the heart, connect with other bloggers through social networking and don't be afraid to initiate conversations through tweets/blog comments etc :)xx

  5. I haven't actually - but I love this idea, it's amazing! xx

    1. Thanks Gemma, definitely have a think about setting some small goals, it feels amazing when you smash them!xx

  6. As someone who just srated blogging, I think these goals are great. I have been wanting more followers, but maybe what I need to do is set goals like this. BTW, I have been loving your blog as of late. It has quickly become one of my favorites to read.

    Ring-a-Round a Rosey

    1. Thank you so much Madeline, that really made me smile :) I also sometimes fret about gaining followers but I'm trying to remind myself to write from the heart and give my little blog my all. I think followers will come, it's not something you can force. Although connecting with bloggers via commenting on posts and chit chatting on twitter, facebook etc really helps build bridges and gain blogger friends/followers :) xx

  7. This is a fantastic idea, I like to set myself goals for my blog but nothing as comprehensive as this, I'm definitely going to have a think about what I'd like to achieve and change with my blog this weekend :) Good luck lovely xxx

    1. Can't wait to hear what goals you've come up with! I'm sure you'll smash them no problem xx


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