Wednesday 16 October 2013

Catch up time

I don't even know where to start! I didn't mean to take such an extended break away from the blog but I *think*, in hindsight, I needed it. Sometimes you just need to take a moment to collect your thoughts and focus on other things for a while. I've missed writing so much! I've been writing lots of tarot related things and writing up readings but I've so missed nattering away on the Bluebird & the Robin. This blog is like my baby; I worked so hard on revamping it over the summer, and I'm glad to be back for the winter. 

What exactly have I been doing with my time away?! Well, I 'moved in' with my fiance for three weeks as his family were away and it meant we had the flat to ourselves. I turned into a bit of a domestic goddess! I made some really tasty fresh meals, including a delicious Shepherd's Pie that took me a grand total of, ahem, four hours to prepare! What can I say, peeling potatoes isn't my forte... It was worth it though! I went for quite a few walks as my fiance lives near a lovely park, and I did lots of tarot readings. I've also been hard core wedding planning as the big day is suddenly right around the corner! I had my first dress fitting and the dress fits perfectly, thankfully! I was so worried as I've been non-stop snacking, I swear it's like I have no self control. Well, I do... I just really like chocolate *addicted*

A week or so in to our new domestic routine a close family member was rushed to hospital, and I had absolutely no desire to blog, to be honest. I felt as if I'd become sort of chained to my blogging schedule and had disconnected somewhat from the people around me. Having a family member in hospital was a serious wake-up call, and although it was a difficult time it was wonderful to reconnect with family and spend so much time together. My fiance and I were at the hospital every evening and although it was scary and stressful and I wouldn't want anyone to go through being admitted to hospital, I wouldn't trade those hours now as it really felt like bonding time. Thankfully all is fine now and the family member has made a good recovery. 

During this time I had some really quite incredible experiences with the tarot. One reading in particular was the catalyst for a promise I made to myself about my path. I figured that if a situation unfolded as indicated by the cards, I'd never doubt my abilities or the cards again, and I'd dedicate my life as much as possible to helping others, using tarot as a healing tool. That might sound dramatic, but it really did feel like an epiphany and I feel truly blessed. Keep an eye out for detailed posts coming soon!

I celebrated my 25th birthday last week! It was nice to be pampered and spoiled for the day, and I got some lovely presents including a Benefit makeup kit, Seventeen eyeshadow kit and lip crayon set and some Molten Brown bath and shower gel. I also got some brilliant books that I can't wait to get stuck into, including The Twelve Tribes of Hattie which I've heard so many good things about! Speaking of books and reading, I started my final uni course last week and I'm finding it an exciting yet stressful adventure so far. Anxiety-wise I've been doing really well but I am struggling a little at the moment as I'm putting myself under a lot of pressure, what with it being my final course. I can't seem to help it, but I know it's something I need to work on. I think because I haven't studied in a while I'm feeling nervous about 'forgetting' everything, and whenever I come across something I don't understand I panic and catastrophise! I like getting high marks and I can't stand it if my grades slip, but I know I need to be a little less hard on myself and take it one step at a time. It's a work in progress, like many anxiety related things are! 

I spent some time having a think about the direction of my blog and what I'd like to achieve. I think I'm going to scale back on the beauty reviews as although I love reading other bloggers' reviews I don't always feel as passionate writing them as I do when writing about personal development or tarot. It's likely I'll be introducing regular Anxiety Diaries, tarot and personal development posts and other lifestyle posts here and there. I'm sure there will be some beauty ones too! Just not as many as before. Plus, I'm totally broke at the moment! Every spare penny is going towards the wedding as we're on a very tight budget, so as soon as the bills are paid every month that's it, no spending! I'm so glad I got some beauty bits for my birthday as aside from the odd 'essential' here and there I don't think I'll be buying much over the next few months. Although I'll find a way to get involved in the Boots 3 for 2 Christmas gift offer as I do that every year... It practically makes Christmas, Christmas! ;)

That brings me to the end of my catch up ramble! If you made it this far thanks for having a read! Ooh and I thought I'd add in an extra photo of something I spied when out on a walk a few weeks ago. I wondered why I was so taken by this little tree I kept walking past, and then I realised: it's the Ace of Wands! The potential of creativity and growth, slap bang in the middle of the park. 

Baci e abbracci, 
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1 comment :

  1. Nice to see you back to blogging.
    Karen x


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