Monday 6 January 2014

If you only do one thing

We set resolutions with the best of intentions but sometimes they can start to feel a little overwhelming. Bridging the gap between dreams and reality isn't always easy to visualise, and although I do want to write a series about detailed SMART goal setting I think it's worth bearing in mind that baby steps and a smaller focus can work wonders in building confidence and instilling a sense of success. 

I felt a little overwhelmed this morning when reading through my resolutions and couldn't figure out where to start. Which resolution comes first? Should I work on them in tandem? How should I begin each one? What should the first step be? 

It occurred to me that by wrapping my resolutions in the above quote I can cut myself some slack, take time to breathe, and begin making my dreams a reality. If I make it my mission to do one thing every day that moves me forwards in some way then I can safely say I'm on my way to accomplishing my goals. Plus, through doing one thing every day in relation to those dreams I hold so dear I'm actually living out an aspect of the dream right now, in the present moment, no matter how seemingly small. 

Tracing each little step definitely delivers a self esteem boost, particularly handy when anxiety strikes and sends me into an action coma. Today I decided to contact my local Mind centre to ask about the discounted Reiki sessions and relaxation sessions they offer. This one thing connects to many of my goals: training as a Reiki healer by experiencing Reiki as a 'patient' first hand; finding healthy and productive ways to handle my anxiety; and getting out there and meeting new people, building links with the community as a step on my path back to work. 

One small action, but one connected to my goals and dreams. I'm not sure yet what tomorrow's action will be, but by sticking to one overarching resolution of doing one thing every day to move myself forwards on my path I know I'm well on my way to accomplishing all I've set out to do this year. 

What will your action be today?

Baci e abbracci,
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1 comment :

  1. What a lovely idea, and good luck with your goals!
    I hope you find the reiki helpful with your anxiety!

    Jess xo


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