Wednesday 1 January 2014

Hello 2014!

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful time ringing in 2014. I spent the evening having dinner and champagne with Chris, watching the fireworks on TV and toasting what will be a very special year for us: we're getting married in 23 days!

I've got lots of goals for this year and I'm going to be writing up detailed goal setting posts over the next week or so which I thought I'd share here. One of the handy lessons I learned during the employment and careers advice workshops for those with anxiety that I attended in the summer is the importance of SMART goals, a mnemonic developed by Peter Drucker (you might have heard of SMART in school, it certainly rang a bell for me!) SMART stands for specific, measurableattainablerelevant and time-bound, the perfect blend for effective goal setting!

One of the main triggers of anxiety for me is feeling as if I have no control over what I'm doing or where I'm going. There's nothing more frustrating than knowing what you want to achieve but not quite being able to get there, and so this year I'm delving in deep when it comes to goal setting. Last year brought me the tools needed to work on my inner self and tackle anxiety; this year it's time for outward action! 

I'm grouping my 2014 goals into the following sections, and for each section I'll be writing up a special Anxiety Diaries goal setting post, developing concrete SMART goals and working towards achieving my 2014 dreams. What are your goals for the coming year? I'd love to know! Nothing beats buddying up with fellow goal setters for moral support!


  • Launch my tarot business (I am thrilled to be working on this! I have so many plans bubbling away!)


  • Graduate with a BA (Hons) English Literature
  • Train and qualify as a Reiki Practitioner 
  • Attend another tarot course 


  • Have a dream honeymoon!
  • Visit New York in December before Christmas


  • Have a bedroom free from clutter! 
  • Cook more meals from scratch 
  • Indulge in more baking 

Quite a few goals, right?! With a little dose of SMART planning they become a lot more manageable and a lot more likely to happen! I'll be posting the first of my in-depth goal setting posts this week, so keep your eyes peeled. I also have one or two secret goals... You'll have to wait until New Year's Eve 2014 to find out if I managed to achieve those ones! Something tells me, though, that I'm in with a really good chance. 

May all sorts of great things happen in 2014!

Baci e abbracci, 

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  1. For the past two months I have started to experience Anxiety, getting really severe anxiety attacks occasionally or when I have to think about driving somewhere, I'm going to have a good read through your Anxiety Diaries :)

    Hope this year brings you wonderful things, and lots of happiness
    Best wishes, Vanessa x

  2. What a great post. I had no clue what 'SMART goals' were but it's an amazing idea. And by the way, "Launching my tarot business" that is AWESOME :) It's something that I'm really interested in even if I don't know much about it!

    Happy 2014 to you,
    Tania x


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