Friday 2 August 2013

the Bluebird & the Robin

Hey dolls! I spent this afternoon and evening (hours and hours in fact!) giving my beloved blog a little overhaul. I felt it was about time I created a special header and I also wanted to rename my blog with something really meaningful to me. I stuck with Thoughts on Beautiful Things for such a long time because I didn't feel pulled towards any other title, but a couple of things have happened over the past year or so that have meant I'm now able to come up with a new name, one that's meaningful to me and hopefully a pleasant one for a beauty and lifestyle blog! Introducing...

the Bluebird & the Robin 

You might be wondering why I've chosen to name my blog after two garden birds... Well, the 'bluebird' taps into my love of all things tarot. I took an absolutely brilliant tarot course in January that involved participating in some wonderful guided tarot meditations, as a way of finding stillness and providing time for reflection. During one meditation I 'met' an animal totem who happened to be a beautiful bluebird (stick with me, it isn't that weird, I promise!) Whether or not you believe in animal totems and spirit guides or not is sort of irrelevant in many respects as either way, the meditation gave me a chance to relax and reflect on lots of the stresses taking place in my life at that time. I felt so much happier and less anxious afterwards and so the bluebird became a sort of good luck charm for me. 

Why 'robin'? My garden seems to attract gorgeous red breasted robins all year round and we make an effort to provide them with bird food so that they have somewhere they can come if they're feeling particularly peckish. One robin in particular kept appearing in the garden a few years ago, after my cat Dusty passed away :( This robin, who my mum and I ingeniously nicknamed Rusty, would come right up to the back door and tap tap on the window, before flying up to the kitchen window and tap tapping some more. He then began flying inside whenever we left the door open, which my mum really didn't like as she's terrified of birds! I, on the other hand, was thrilled to see Rusty every morning as he was always so friendly and gentle, and he'd often come on in and perch on one of the dining room chairs for a few minutes as if to say hello. We still have robins nesting in our garden and every time I see one they make me smile. 

When I found a bird inspired header on I knew it was a sign for my blog redesign. I know I still have a long way to go, having started the never ending battle with CSS coding and HTML (!) but I'm really quite pleased with myself for managing to create a new header and change the colours of lots of widgets and links to blue! It took hours, rookie that I am, but the sense of satisfaction was huge!

As always I'll be blogging about beauty, tarot and other lifestyle bits and bobs, and of course my Anxiety Diaries series will be on here too. I hope you'll enjoy having a nosy! 

One little request *bats eyelashes* I've changed the URL of my blog from to If you were following me on Bloglovin' my old blog address no longer exists, which means I have to start from scratch! I'd really appreciate it if you could head on over and give the Bluebird & the Robin a follow when you have a moment:

Thanks a million!

Imogen x  


  1. Looking great, and I love that you've chosen a blog name special to you. :)

    1. Thanks so much, I didn't used to think too much about my blog name or header but felt that now is the time to give it some proper thought and develop a blog that feels special and unique to me :) xx

  2. Hello lovely! I've nominated you for a Liebster Award!


    1. Thanks so much! I'll pop on over and check out your post :) xx


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